我们必须清楚,灵修应该是让我们越来越愿意舍己,背上自己的十字架,天天跟随主。(路 9:23)— 这是自我繁殖的门徒训练的实质!当我们越认识主,我们越清楚他的心意。他的心意是什么? 人子来为要寻找和拯救失丧的人!(路19:10)
“To believe is to commit… But in intimate personal belief I commit myself spiritually to Jesus Christ and make a determination to be dominated by Him alone. ” (Oswald Chambers, My Upmost for His Highest, Nov 6)
We have to be clear, our devotional time should always move us to be more willing to deny ourselves, take up our own cross and follow Jesus. (Luke 9:23) — That’s the essence of reproducing discipleship training. As we know Jesus better, we will know His heart and His will better. What’s His will? He came to seek and rescue who is lost! (Luke 19:10)
I don’t encourage you to do it until you already have a love and habit to meditate the Bible alone. However, there are many extraordinary Christians in history wrote devotional books that are really insightful. When I was in China, I used “荒漠甘泉” (a stream in the desert)a lot; at Seminary, I was introduced to Oswald Chambers’ book, My Upmost for His Highest, which becomes the classic of devotional book.
讲义:7. 灵修笔记 / 7. Journaling