Seeking minister for Chinese Congregation 诚聘中文堂全职传道人

有意申请者,请于10月31日前将中文求职信(cover letter)、简历(resume)和申请表发至








    1. 符合《圣经》关于教会领袖的资格,包括《提摩太前书》第3章,《提多书》第1章,以及《彼得前书》第5章。
    2. 委身于CTBC 的信仰、异象和目标宣言(CTBC的宪章-神学信仰浸信会信仰和信息 1963)。
    3. 委身于团队牧养模式。
    4. 委身于建造并帮助会众做门徒。
    5. 以爱慕神话语的心进行教导的能力。
    6. 注重人与人之间关系的带领和牧养风格。
    7. 具有独立和主动工作的能力。
    8. 有服事中文教会的经验。
    9. 能够对CTBC会众,尤其是讲中文的会众进行良好的沟通和关怀,并跟他们建立关系。
    10. 能够以适合生活在加拿大的华人会众的方式进行牧养。
    11. 能够提供警察局的无犯罪记录。


    1. 认同现有的CTBC的异象,并根据需要寻求从神而来的新的异象,与教会的带领团队朝着教会的异象共同努力。
    2. 与带领团队一起执行教会的事工计划
      • 参加每月的带领团队会议
      • 与带领团队就常规活动和任务进行沟通
      • 指导和培训带领团队同工
      • 培养新的教会带领同工
    3. 共同监督敬拜的活动
      • 与带领团队和讲员团队共同商讨并制定讲道主题和计划
      • 与带领团队和现有讲员分担讲道的任务
      • 为现有讲员提供培训和指导,并根据需要预览讲稿
      • 支持并培养敬拜带领
    4. 与带领团队一起,监督教会的纪律和解决教会冲突
    5. 共同监督传福音和门徒训练
      • 帮助制定和实施门徒训练计划
      • 根据需要在周日上午教导成人门徒训练班
      • 共同培训和指导主日学老师
      • 共同支持儿童主日学
    6. 对细胞小组的监督
      • 为细胞小组的协调员提供指导和支持
      • 根据需要向细胞小组组长提供培训和指导
    7. 探访和牧养
      • 为细胞小组组长树立榜样,探访教会会员,关心会员的属灵状况
      • 关怀有需要的会众
    8. 根据需要进行牧者辅导、主持婚礼和丧葬仪式
    9. 与英文堂牧师交流、沟通和协调联合敬拜安排

Calgary Truth Baptist Church
Chinese Congregation Minister Job Description


The Calgary Truth Baptist Church (CTBC) seeks to fill a full-time minister, man or woman, responsible for Chinese Ministry. The position will be for 40 hours a week.


The Chinese minister must be a baptized Christian with a clear God’s calling into full time ministry. The minister needs to show evidence of spiritual growth and a humble spirit, with a love of God, congregation and a ministerial heart to see them grow in their relationship with Christ. In addition, the Chinese minister must meet following qualifications。

General Qualifications:

1. Meeting biblical qualifications for church leadership, including: l Timothy 3, Titus l, and I Peter 5
2. Commitment to CTBT’s statement of faith, and vision and goals (CTBC’s constitution – Doctrine and Faith , and Baptist Faith and Message 1963)
3. Commitment to a team approach to ministry
4. Commitment to equip and disciple the congregation
5. Teaching skills with a love for God’s word
6. Relational style of leadership and ministry
7. Self-starter and able to work without direct supervision
8. Experience in serving a Chinese speaking congregation
9. Excellent communicating, caring and building relationships with CTBC members, particularly Chinese speaking congregation members.
10. Being able to meet the unique needs of Congregation in today’s Canadian culture
11. Providing a valid clearance of police background check

Primary responsibilities:

1. Continue to follow the present vision or seek new vision from God in the future as needed and work with the leadership team and the congregation towards the vision.
2. Work with the leadership team to carry out the ministry plans of Truth.

● Participate in monthly leadership team meetings
● Communicate with the leadership team regarding regular activities and tasks
● Mentor, care for and train the leadership team members
● Develop new leaders

3. Share oversight of the worship services.

● Coordinate sermon plan with leadership team and lay preachers
● Share in preaching with lay preachers
● Give training and coaching to lay preachers and review their sermons
● Give support to the development of worship leaders

4. Along with the leadership team, oversee matters of church discipline and conflict in the church.
5. Share oversight of the evangelism and discipleship training.

● Help develop and implement a discipleship-training plan
● Teach an adult discipleship class on Sunday morning as needed
● Share in training and providing guidance to teachers who participate in teaching ministry
● Share support to the children’s Sunday school

6. Share oversight of the small group ministry.

● Give guidance and support to the coordinator(s) of small group ministry
● Provide training and guidance to small group leaders as needed

7. Visitation and ministerial care.

● Set an example for small group leaders to visit and care church members
● Compassion

8. Conduct in these duties: ministerial counselling sessions, wedding ceremonies and funeral services as needed.
9. Coordinate with the pastor of the English congregation on co-led worships